European Human Rights Law

Triantafyllia (Lina) Papadopoulou



Protection of human rights in the European Union legal order and at European level through the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms


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Instructor: Triantafyllia (Lina) Papadopoyloy, Associate Professor


Content Development Associate: Giannakelos Ioannis

Περιεχόμενο μαθήματος

Protection of human rights in the European Union legal order and at European level through the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms

Μαθησιακοί στόχοι

The understanding from the students of the function of the ECHR and  the meaning of basic human rights.


Good knowledge of English Language


Dirk Ehlers,  European Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, De Gruyter Recht, Berlin, 2007.


The Notion of European Fundamental Rights and Freedoms – Chapter 1 (ECHR)

(History and Development of Human Rights Protection in the Context of the Council of Europe and the European Convention on Human Rights).


Keywords: protection, covenant, council of Europe, individual complaint, protocol.

The Notion of European Fundamental Rights and Freedoms - Chapter 2 (EC-EU LAW)

(History and Development of European Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Freedoms).


Keywords: supremacy, european charter, human rights.

The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 

(Functions of the European Convention Human Rights - Beneficiaries of the Convention rights).


Keywords: covenants, declaration, European convention human rights, general principles.

Guarantees and limitations of the Human Rights in Europe-Judicial Protection

(Guarantees and limitations of human rights).


Keywords: stages of control, justification, interference, individual application, judicial protection.

The protection of private life 

(Article 9: freedom of thought, conscience, religion).


Keywords: private life, expulsion, deportation, proportionality, freedom of thought, conscience, religion, limitations.

The right to Personal Integrity

(Definition of torture - The Prohibition of discrimination).


Keywords: torture, right to life, discrimination.

The freedom of Expression 

(Freedom of communication, freedom of opinion and freedom of information).


Keywords: communication, freedom of opinion, freedom of information, restrictions, proportionality, political speech, press.

The freedom of Assembly and Association - Freedom to form and join trade unions

(Freedom of Assembly - Freedom of association - Freedom to Form and Join Unions).


Keywords: freedom of assembly, freedom of association, unions.

The protection of property 

(Protection of the guarantee of property - Ownership restrictions - Compensation - Further guarantees).


Keywords: ownership, compensation, guarantees.

Fundamental Judicial and Procedural Rights

(The Protection of Liberty - Judicial rights before the courts - The right to an effective remedy).


Keywords: protection of liberty, fair trial, double jeopardy, appeal, compensation.

Rights to equality and social rights

(Rights to equality - solidarity and social rights).


Keywords: equality, solidarity, social rights.

Prohibition of Discrimination due to Nationality.


Keywords: discrimination, proportionality.

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