Groundwater Hydraulics

Konstantinos Katsifarakis





(Το μάθημα προσφέρεται για τους ξενόγλωσσους φοιτητές του μαθήματος Υπόγεια Υδραυλική και Υδρολογία) 

Water resources classification-Basic notions of groundwater hydraulics-Simplifying assumptions-The Darcy law-Flow equations-Steady flow towards ditches-Flow through stratified media-Flow towards systems of wells-The method of images.


Keywords: groundwater hydraulics, water resourses, wells, method of images






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Περιεχόμενο μαθήματος
  1. Introduction to water resources and to groundwater flows

  2. Groundwater flows towards ditches and wells

  3. The method of images

Basic knowledge of hydraulics.

Ομάδα στόχος

Students of Civil Engineering, Geology and Agriculture Departments and those who are interested in Groundwater Hydraulics.


Konstantinos Katsifarakis was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1955. He holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering and a Bachelor Degree in Geology (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1978 and 1984, respectively), a M.S. Degree in Engineering Mechanics (University of Florida, 1980) and a Doctoral Degree in Civil Engineering (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1986).

His academic career in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki started in 1981 (as research assistant). He was elected as full professor in 1999. He teaches Hydraulics, Groundwater hydraulics, Geothermics, Solid waste management and Evaluation and management of the environment and he has supervised more than 200 undergraduate or graduate Diploma Theses and 7 Ph.D. Theses.

His research interests include groundwater flows and contamination control, management of water resources, low enthalpy geothermal energy, optimization techniques, environmental impact mitigation, education of engineers and history of hydrology. He has published more than 100 papers in scientific journals, books and conference proceedings.

He has served as Head of the Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering, Vice-head of the Department of Civil Engineering, Head of the Laboratory of Water Resources Management, Head of the Laboratory of Environmental Engineering and Planning and Coordinator of the Council for the Environment of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has also participated in many Department and University committees. In November 2012 he has been elected to the University Board.

He is married and has two sons.

Contact info:


Keywords: water resources, groundwater hydraulics

Keywords: groundwater flows, wells, ditches

Keywords: method of images

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