Computer music


The Ear, the Listening Apparatus and Psychoacoustics (Distance Learning)

In this video lesson a presentation of the ear and the listening apparatus is performed. Students are induced with a primer on psychoacoustics that  reveal how the brain receives the acoustic triggers by nerve fibers that are highly tuned into specific frequency ranges. Also, the way that intensity and frequency are transformed by electorheologic fields to loudness and pitch is explained.

Again, the English speaking students are incorporated with the Greek speaking class, or they may visit the instructor’s office. In this lesson, they dip into the ear, the hearing mechanism, they way that the synapses of the acoustic nerve mingle with inner ear structures. They are also given some psychoacoustic information on how the brain conceives loudness and pitch.

Keywords: Ear, Hearing Mechanism, Acoustic Nerve, Psychoacoustics (video lesson), Acoustic Nerve, Brain, Perception, Loudness, Pitch

Educational Material


The Ear, the Listening Apparatus and Psychoacoustics


The Ear, the Listening Apparatus and Psychoacoustics